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Ilu dundun/YorubaTalking Drum


Ilu dundun/YorubaTalking Drum

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Ilu dundun is widely used in the western part of Nigeria, (Yoruba Land) this a Variable tension drum with waisted body. its may have a crafted iron called saworo ide….. this ide gives this drum a special rhythms and sounds better with it. Sub-Saharan drums feature numerous body shapes and ingenious ways of attaching the skin heads. Drums often incorporate tone modifiers, including metal plates with rattling rings, small bells, mirlitons (buzzing membranes), or rolling balls inside the body. In some areas, drums embody the kinship system and are grouped in families with the “mother” drum playing the central role. Drums may be incised with patterns related to fabric designs or sculpted with symbolic motifs that reinforce social identity. Basically, it is used in communications and playing of rhythms by the group of people called Ayan. the drum is made of wooden material called igi omon, Igi omon is one of the best wooden material in making local drums. goat leather, this is used to cover the face of the drum and as a tension for the drum.


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